New CEO at Primion

Francis Cepero Tchernev has taken over as CEO of Primion Technology GmbH in Germany and the foreign subsidiaries Primion Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain as well as the subsidiary Opertis as of 1st July 2024.

Francis Cepero Tchernev has been a Senior Director at A1 Telekom Group for the past seven years, leading the Vertical Market Solutions business unit at A1Digital. In this role, he was responsible for the design, development and implementation of business solutions. In his position as Vice President of Innovation and Technology for Media & Entertainment at SAP, he led several innovative projects with IoT, machine learning and blockchain. He holds a Master’s degree in Physics and an MBA in International Marketing and has deepened his knowledge through executive programs at renowned institutions such as MIT, INSEAD and Columbia University.

With more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software and vertical market solutions, he brings a wealth of knowledge and will focus on driving innovation in the technology sector. Francis Cepero Tchernev will be responsible for Sales & Operations, Research & Development, Product Management and Marketing. He will also assume responsibility for Finance, Human Resources, IT and Supply Chain: "I am honored to take on this role and I look forward to learning from our customers and partners and from my colleagues. I am fully committed to supporting Primion to remain present and successful in the global market for security solutions and to gain new shares."

After more than ten years in a responsible position as CFO and CEO Finance at Primion, Jorge Pons Vorberg has decided to take on a new professional challenge as Managing Director. The management expressly thanked him for his above-average commitment, his loyalty and his and his distinctive and human leadership qualities and wished him all the best.

Über die primion Technology GmbH

The international Primion Technology GmbH is a member of the Spanish AZKOYEN Group and is one of the top 5 companies in Europe for Access Control, Time & Attendance and Integrated Security Systems. Its prestigious customer base includes well-known names such as VW, REWE, DB Schenker, NORMA, Deutsche Telekom and Frankfurt Airport. With almost 30 years of experience and technological expertise, Primion develops, produces and installs innovative and customized systems that help companies optimize their workflows and ensure the security of their resources.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

primion Technology GmbH
Steinbeisstraße 2 – 5
72510 Stetten
Telefon: +49 7573 952-0
Telefax: +49 7573 92034

Susanne Ruh
Telefon: +49 (7573) 952-546
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