Goliath Releases The Balance Of 2024 Drill Results With a 100% Hit Rate At Surebet High-Grade Gold Discovery

Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSX-V GOT / WKN A2P063) has announced significant expansion at its Surebet gold discovery in British Columbia’s Golden Triangle, reinforcing its position as a major emerging gold project. The latest results from the 2024 drill program have added four new high-grade gold veins, bringing the total to 12 vertically stacked veins over 1.2 km and covering a 1.8 km² area. The system remains open in all directions, presenting exceptional growth potential.

Key Drilling Highlights – 100% Hit Rate:

  • High-grade intercepts: GD-24-254 returned 9.39 g/t AuEq (8.99 g/t Au and 12.21 g/t Ag) over 10.17 meters, within 7.33 g/t AuEq over 13.10 meters.
  • Deep mineralization: GD-24-254 confirmed gold at depth with 12.67 g/t AuEq (12.39 g/t Au and 19.74 g/t Ag) over 5.00 meters in the Golden Gate zone, one of the deepest high-grade discoveries to date.
  • New high-grade zones: A newly identified zone between Surebet Lower and Bonanza returned 45.60 g/t AuEq (45.36 g/t Au and 19.45 g/t Ag) over 5.95 meters.
  • Several high-grade holes drilled to date have multiple intercepts different veins.

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Goliath Releases The Balance Of 2024 Drill Results With a 100% Hit Rate At Surebet High-Grade Gold Discovery

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