Toyota Material Handling Europe and SSAB take leap to produce next generation of material handling equipment with lower carbon footprint

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Toyota Material Handling Europe and SSAB enter a fossil-free partnership, and the cooperation makes the company the first material handling equipment manufacturer using SSAB Zero™. The company secured the delivery of SSAB Zero™ steels, which it will use to produce the forks and frames for hand pallet trucks this spring. The quality and properties of SSAB Zero™ steel are the same as those of SSAB´s conventional steel.

“We aim to be a leader in the sustainable transformation of our value chain and are building a resilient supply chain together with our suppliers,” says Giorgio Polonio, VP Purchasing, Supply at Toyota Material Handling Europe.  

“We are happy to work with Toyota in producing the next generation of material handling equipment with a lower carbon footprint. Toyota Material Handling Europe has been our customer via our subsidiary, Tibnor, for over 20 years, and we are ramping up our collaboration based on our mutual trust and common goal of a fossil-free future,” says Tony Harris, Head of SSAB Europe.

In early 2024, SBTi validated Toyota Material Handling Europe’s near- and long-term science-based targets, aimed at reaching net-zero by no later than at the end of 2041. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) provides a clearly defined pathway for companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change, and supports ambitions to limit global warming to 1.5°C.   

As part of its net zero efforts, the company will be ramping up our use of recycled steel produced with fossil-free electricity and biogas, which will reduce the carbon footprint of raw materials used in our trucks. Toyota Material Handling Europe aims at making low-carbon steel the standard for their products, starting with the most popular models of our hand pallet truck range.

Cooperation with SSAB ensures Toyota Material Handling Europe can reduce the carbon footprint of the raw materials used in their products. Toyota Material Handling Europe is the first in the industry to include low carbon recycled steel as standard in a product family, starting with the most popular models of hand pallet trucks.

The material in the forks and frame of the high-volume product LHM230 are to be replaced by SSAB Zero™ which has a 77% reduction of CO2 compared to iron-ore based steel, considering the entire value chain. This initiative is an important step to reduce material emissions and contributes towards Toyota Material Handling Europe’s net zero targets by fiscal year 2041.

About SSAB

SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company that builds a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world through value added steel products and services. Working with our partners, SSAB has developed SSAB Fossil-free™ steel and plans to reinvent the value chain from the mine to the end customer, largely eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from our own operations. SSAB Zero™, a largely carbon emission-free steel based on recycled steel, further strengthens SSAB’s leadership position and our comprehensive, sustainable offering independent of the raw material. SSAB has employees in over 50 countries and production facilities in Sweden, Finland and the US. SSAB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has a secondary listing on Nasdaq Helsinki. Join us on our journey!, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X and YouTube.


Über die Toyota Material Handling Deutschland GmbH

Toyota Material Handling Europe is the European headquarters of Toyota Material Handling Group, which is part of Toyota Industries Corporation – the global leader in material handling equipment & solutions. It provides businesses of all sizes, in more than 30 European countries, with a full range of counterbalanced forklift trucks, BT warehouse equipment/services, added-value solutions and innovations. Over 95% of our trucks are manufactured in European factories, in Sweden, France and Italy – all to Toyota Production System’s (TPS) quality standards. Find out more to achieve exceptional efficiency in your operations.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Toyota Material Handling Deutschland GmbH
Hannoversche Straße 113
30916 Isernhagen
Telefon: +49 (511) 7262-0
Telefax: +49 (511) 7262-137

Mark Peters
Marketing Director, Toyota Material Handling Europe
Atte Kaksonen
SSAB Corporate Communications
Holger Urbschat
Telefon: 0511-7262184
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