Show us your large load carrier feet


Halle: 1 / Stand-Nr.: 1F61

At Logimat, racking and storage specialist Galler will be demonstrating how to transport large load carriers safely and quickly on a roller conveyor despite difficult base geometries. – Hall 1, Stand 1F61.

There are such and such large load carriers (LLC). Some stand on skids or narrow feet, others are stored on a pallet, and some can be stacked and transported piggyback. But all LLCs are the same in one respect: they have special requirements for internal transportation on roller conveyors due to their base geometry and often also their weight.

XXL sample track at the exhibition stand

Nevertheless, logistics experts do not want to do without gravity-driven roller conveyors when designing (partially) automated LLC transports. “Nor is it necessary,” says Jörg Kilz, Sales Manager at Galler Lager- und Regaltechnik from Kulmbach (Upper Franconia). “If narrow steel runners or plate feet push a conventional roller conveyor to its limits, our XXL roller conveyor system proves that there is a solution for this too.”

As proof, Galler is setting up a few meters of the heavy-duty roller technology in Stuttgart. Visitors to the stand will be able to see for themselves how the system flexibly handles up to 14 pallet types in the same channel. Subsequent adjustments are also possible.

For various process scenarios

The manufacturer, AQS Logistic Systems, belongs to the same group of companies as Galler and specializes in gravity conveying. This can be seen in many details. The XXL roller conveyor system transports load carriers weighing up to 3,000 kilograms. With high tracking accuracy, the maximum throughput depth is 30 meters. The roller conveyor can be integrated into various process scenarios. A wide range of accessories are available for this purpose, such as mechanical and pneumatic separators for the provision of the LLC. Insertion hoppers, side guides and guide rollers for the removal point ensure smooth processes at the interface between the roller conveyor and the forklift truck or AGV. Brake rollers ensure that the XXL transports in the warehouse are safely slowed down or stopped at the defined points.

Galler will be presenting the XXL roller conveyor system in Hall 1, Stand 1F61.

Über die Galler Lager- und Regaltechnik GmbH

Galler Lager- und Regaltechnik GmbH manufactures flexible shelving systems for a wide range of requirements – from manual storage in workshops to fully automated high-bay warehouses.

Founded in 1917 by Wenzel Galler and integrated into Hölscher Holding in 2004, the company has played a decisive role in shaping shelving technology for over 100 years. Today, Galler is increasingly present in the DACH region with its network of experienced sales staff, but is also able to realize projects worldwide.

Galler employs a total of 100 people at its Kulmbach site. All beams and uprights for Galler shelving systems are “Made in Kulmbach”.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Galler Lager- und Regaltechnik GmbH
Robert Galler Str. 1
95326 Kulmbach
Telefon: +49 (9221) 700-0
Telefax: +49 (9221) 700-149

Sarah Schmitz
Telefon: +49 (9221) 700-0
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