Heritage Mining: Next High-Grade Gold Discovery in Northwestern Ontario?

Join us as we explore Heritage Mining’s (CSE HML) exciting progress in an interview at the PDAC 2025 in Toronto! CEO Peter Schloo shares the latest updates on their flagship project in Northwestern Ontario, one of the last underexplored districts in Canada.

Heritage has recently completed drilling at the highly promising Millennium target, discovering massive sulfides, an unexpected and exciting result. With a skilled geological team and promising targets, including an upcoming drill campaign in Zone 3, Heritage seems poised to make a major gold discovery. Don’t miss this discussion on one of the most promising exploration companies in the region!

See full video here:

Heritage Mining: Next High-Grade Gold Discovery in Northwestern Ontario?

Links Heritage Mining:

Website: https://www.heritagemining.ca

Email Investor Relations: info@heritagemining.ca

Video Timeline:

00:00 – Intro 🎬

00:24 – Overview of Heritage Mining’s Flagship Project in Northwestern Ontario 🌍

01:10 – Drilling Results from the Millennium Target and Unexpected Discoveries 💎

02:00 – The Geological Team Behind Heritage Mining and Their Success 🔍

03:00 – Upcoming Drilling Plans in Zone 3 and the Intrusion-Related Gold Target 🛠️

04:00 – Infrastructure and Easy Access to Targets 🚗

05:00 – Heritage’s Strategic Position and Long-Term Vision 🎯

06:00 – Closing Remarks and Future Potential 🚀

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E-Mail: redaktion@goldinvest.de
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