MYNXG and Phoenix Contact launch Secure 4G/5G PLC Connector for PLCnext Controls

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The MYNXG Edge SIIC² PLC Connector uses a secure mobile architecture with trusted platform modules (TPM) at the device level and hardware security modules (HSM) at the MYNXG cloud. The Phoenix Contact PLCnext Control is TPM protected and tightly connected with the Edge SIIC² PLC Connector. Together, this creates an end-to-end protection for both devices and their data, capable to meet all cyber security aspects of the ISA/IEC 62443. With this approach, Phoenix Contact PLCnext controls make the ProfiNet and ProfiBus solutions better and highly secure. After the integration and testing in the interoperability test center at MYNXG headquarters, the first Edge SIIC² PLC Connectors have already been successfully implemented at industrial customers in the Netherlands and interacting securely with the MYNXG cloud.
“We are extremely pleased to extend the PLCs, based on PLCnext technology, by supporting the secure industrial IOT architecture of MYNXG. The digital ecosystem of PLCnext was designed to expand the use of PLCs, and now the user has additional options with the SIIC2 device of MYNXG to fulfill the security needs in industrial automation. ”, said Hans-Juergen Koch, Executive Vice President of Industry Management and Automation at Phoenix Contact.
“Security continues to be a major hurdle for industrial IoT solutions to connect via the internet. Security in all aspects must be provided to connect the operation technology via 4G or 5G networks. This is the make or break for the entire German automation industry. Together with Phoenix Contact, MYNXG developed the Secure Industry IoT Cloud Connector (SIIC²). With this new product and the MYNXG cloud, we are happy to offer the MYNXG blockchain and security inside the PLC and to make cyber security affordable for any company.”, said Bernd Moeller CEO MYNXG
PLCnext Technology is the open ecosystem for industrial automation from Phoenix Contact. With a combination of open control technology, modular engineering software, and an online community, this solution allows users to adapt easily to changing demands and to use existing and future software services efficiently. Featuring a digital marketplace for software and systematic cloud integration, PLCnext Technology is well equipped to face the challenges of the IoT world.
About Phoenix Contact
The family-owned company with headquarters in Blomberg is a worldwide market leader for components, systems and solutions in the field of electrical engineering, electronics and automation. Product innovations and specific solutions for individual customer requirements are created in the development facilities at our sites in Germany, China, and the USA. Numerous patents emphasize the fact that many developments from Phoenix Contact are unique.
MYNXG is a secure industrial IOT architecture to protect assets, infrastructure, and their data to the highest cybersecurity standards. MYNXG is the technology of choice to securely connect operational devices in highly regulated industries and the people interacting with them. The platform supports all industrial interfaces at the device level, provides cloud platform APIs and modelling tools for easy integration from field to business processes.
The MYNXG platform sets the de-facto security standard for operational technology, which is accepted and deployed by numerous blue-chip industrial players and industrial OEMs.
MYNXG was founded in 2013, is headquartered in Nuremberg (Germany) and operating further offices in Frankfurt and Utrecht. Please visit us for more information
Phoenix Contact ist weltweiter Marktführer für Komponenten, Systeme und Lösungen im Bereich der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Automation. Das Familienunternehmen mit Stammsitz im westfälischen Blomberg beschäftigt heute rund 17.600 Mitarbeiter weltweit und hat in 2019 einen Umsatz von 2,48 Mrd. Euro erwirtschaftet. Zur Phoenix Contact-Gruppe gehören achtzehn deutsche und vier internationale Unternehmen sowie 55 Vertriebs-Gesellschaften in aller Welt. International ist Phoenix Contact in mehr als 100 Ländern präsent.
Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG
Flachsmarktstraße 8
32825 Blomberg
Telefon: +49 (5235) 3120-00
Telefax: +49 (5235) 300