Blockchain Collaboration between Frankfurt Blockchain Hub and The Hogeg Blockchain Research Institute set to begin

Kathmandu Nepal
Freitag, März 21, 2025
The Frankfurt Blockchain Hub, is a project founded by Accelerator Frankfurt in cooperation with Santiment Deutschland in order to nurture the global blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. Santiment is a high-profile cryptocurrency success story and will provide access to its unique data warehouse platform in order to use this data for academic research, writing papers, building models and to classify crypto market data. Maria Pennanen, CEO of Santiment Deutschland added; “we seek to engage students and researchers to analyze and make sense of the data from crypto markets”. As a first step, the cooperation will start with academic work sponsored by Santiment. We are preparing our first crypto academia event, titled ‚Academia meets practical players‘, which will reveal the initial findings.
Accelerator Frankfurt is the leading Fintech/Blockchain go-to-market accelerator in Germany. The accelerator focuses on bringing digital B2B technologies into the financial sector. “We are very honored to start this cooperation with such a prestigious institute as the Hogeg Blockcahin Research Institute. We believe in nurturing the global blockchain ecosystem through collaborations and partnerships”, says Ram Shoham, founder of Accelerator Frankfurt.
Prof. Dan Amiram, vice dean of the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University, is head of the Hogeg Blockchain Research Institute and leads the integrated research in the fields of Fintech and blockchain. According to him, “this is a special opportunity for researchers at Tel Aviv University to carry out research in collaboration with the international industry, dealing with new challenges and applying the technology in different domains of action”.
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