Gold price perhaps at US$2,500 per ounce by year-end

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Mittwoch, März 19, 2025
Recently, Goldman Sachs announced that at the end of 2022, a troy ounce of gold would cost 2,500 US dollars. In 2021, the price of gold was down by around four percent. This is because last year an economic recovery set in and investors turned to riskier investments. Today, the situation is different again. Concerns about a U.S. recession will drive more investors to gold investments. According to experts at Goldman Sachs, inflation fears are overblown. U.S. economic growth is slowing, the Russia-Ukraine war is ongoing and stock prices are falling. This would reduce investors‘ risk appetite and in turn play into the hands of the gold price.
Gold mine operators are in a good position, because they benefit from higher gold prices. And they can hedge their production at attractive prices. Despite falling gold prices, profits can still be generated in this way. For gold investors, gold companies thus offer an attractive investment opportunity. Exploration companies in particular can be successful here, because they often benefit later than established producers from the effects of a rising gold price. If there is good news about the progress of the exploration companies and the conditions on the gold market are right, the prices of these companies can rise significantly. To participate in the upside potential of gold, gold mining stocks should be increasingly targeted, such as those of Skeena Resources or Tarachi Gold.
Skeena Resources – – is working to revitalize its previously producing Eskay Creek gold-silver property in British Columbia.
Tarachi Gold – – is focused on projects in Mexico. The Tarachi project is located in the Sierra Madre gold belt in Sonoro.
Current corporate information and press releases from Skeena Resources (- -).
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