Singapore Airlines Reduces Air Fare for asiaPLX Attendees
Breaking News:
Kathmandu Nepal
Donnerstag, Feb. 6, 2025
Singapore Airlines has agreed to support this premier partnering event as Official Carrier, offering discounted airfares for confirmed registrants from most destinations. The level of the discount rate will depend on the country and airport of departure to Singapore.
RauCon’s Marketplaces for Pharma Business Opportunities are attended by senior Business Development Executives from the global Pharmaceutical Industry. Two days of on-site and in-person meeting events are complemented with digital days before and after for preparation, follow-up or stand-alone meetings. The entire partnering process, including information exchange, matchmaking, meeting arrangements and video conferences, runs in a secure, cloud based environment at
(Photo by courtesy of Singapore Airlines
Since more than 27 years the Heidelberg, Germany, based service provider RauCon GmbH & Co. KG runs an online platform for arranging combined real (in-person) and digital (video) business meetings, called Marketplaces for Pharma Business Opportunities (euroPLX and asiaPLX). These represent the world’s most often held and leading pharma partnering events since 1995.
RauCon GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 9
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 426296-0