WürthElektronik presents current-compensated dataline filter WE-CNSA

Breaking News:
Kathmandu Nepal
Mittwoch, März 12, 2025
WE-CNSA provides signal integrity in many applications such as automotive infotainment and communications via FlexRay, IEEE 1394 (Firewire), LVDS or USB 2.0 and 3.0. The 0805 device features low resistance and a bifilar winding, meaning the two data lines run in parallel around the core. This symmetry improves the suppression of common-mode noise that can couple into data lines.
EMC specialist Würth Elektronik is now offering the filter, which achieves high common-mode noise suppression at high frequencies, from stock and is providing free samples to developers.
Würth Elektronik eiSosGroup is a manufacturer of electronic andelectromechanical components for the electronicsindustry and a technology company thatspearheads pioneering electronic solutions.Würth Elektronik eiSos is one of the largestEuropean manufacturers of passive components andis active in 50 countries. Production sites inEurope, Asia and North America supply a growingnumber of customers worldwide.
Theproduct range includes EMC components,inductors, transformers, RF components,varistors, capacitors, resistors, quartzcrystals, oscillators, power modules, WirelessPower Transfer, LEDs, sensors, connectors, powersupply elements, switches, push-buttons,connection technology, fuse holders andsolutions for wireless datatransmission.
The unrivaled serviceorientation of the company is characterized bythe availability of all catalog components fromstock without minimum order quantity, freesamples and extensive support through technicalsales staff and selection tools.
WürthElektronik is part of the Würth Group, the worldmarket leader for assembly and fasteningtechnology. The company employs 8,000 staff andgenerated sales of 1.09 Billion Euro in2021.
Würth Elektronik: more than youexpect!
Further information at www.we-online.com
Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Eyth-Str. 1
74638 Waldenburg
Telefon: +49 (7942) 945-328
Telefax: +49 (7942) 945-412